dinsdag 19 augustus 2014

A long long time ago....


A few weeks ago, I've drawn this dragon and I'm kind of proud of it. I hope to be able to share more soon. ;)


Heey again

I haven't poster in a long long time,  sorry for that!
I went to a course today, about writing from your heart. I got to now myself and the 3 others I was with.  It was a truly amazing experience and I will continue to write like that. It was all about writing down what you are thinking. Not blocking your thoughts.
This course has given me new inspiration and I will post more often and also post more stories (In English and Dutch).
I hope you'll enjoy them.


woensdag 26 juni 2013


Costume ideas


My friends and I are planning on making a costume, mine will be simular to Ezio Auditore da Firenze' from Assassin's creed 2. Well, thé cape will be simular, and the sash too. I'm also going to make two bracers (sketch pics later).

Greetz M.

PS: I'll post all my sketches later :)

vrijdag 21 september 2012

Awesome song

Hii xD

Just found this song and it gives me so much inspiration!!!!! :P

Greetz M.

vrijdag 14 september 2012

The story about the treehouse.

Heey Guysss
Just fount this on froot.nl and I need to live there! It actually gave me some inspiration for a story.
Well, it's about a rich family that live's in a village in the woods. It's a world where there's one continent, and it's completely covered in woods.
So, that family lives in a huge three house, while the other villagers live in smaller and simpler treehouses. The members of the family are a father, mother, uncle, daughter and her little brother. It's all about the boy. He's happy, has everything he wants. The difference between the usual stories about these kind of things is that this boy wouldn't have it any other way.
After a few pages, where I will picture how he lives, there's a flood in the village. The treehouse of the rich family is a little low, so it get's destroyed.
The boy get's dragged along the water and ends up in an other village. It's just a day away from his home, so he decides to go back.
When he comes back he sees his complete home destroyed and his family is dead. His only option is living with one of the simple families in the village. There he meets an older boy. This older boy tells him about his own families history. The boy founds out about the terrible secret of his family. (Though I don't know yet what that secret is....)
So.... I'll post the first part as soon as I finish the first part :P

Greetz M.

woensdag 22 augustus 2012

My cosplay!!

Heey, guys.
My cosplay is finished, well ..... allmost. The only thing I need to do is my wand. It's not completely done yet so I'll post it later.
Sooooooo..... This is my dress xD

Ths is my mask :P

My necklace.

The ears :3

The cloves/paws 

And this is the complete cosplay with my cloak.

And this is the complete cosplay too, but with the hood on my head xD
 I hope you like it. I really enjoyed making it and I can't wait till the shoot on Abunai!!!!!! 

Xxxxxx M.

maandag 20 augustus 2012


Just found this awesome Loki cosplay on 9gag. (Great site btw :D)

Loki Laufeyson Cosplay


zaterdag 18 augustus 2012

I am ironman

Heeeey, guys.
I haven't post for a while, sorry for that, but I've been kind a busy. My cosplay as tenebrae is almost done, almost. So I'll post for that later!!!! I promise :)
Soooooo, me and my friend recieved a coupon at a cinema. We can make our own T-shirt, and I just made this:


Therefore I am ironman!!!

Haha, and I hope she agrees so we can make our T-shirt!!! It would be so awesome. :P
I'll post again soon, but school starts tomorrow, well we need to get our scheduel and Thuesday our lessons start....
Well, see you later. ;)

Greetz M.

maandag 6 augustus 2012

Some random pics

Hii guys.
Here are some random pics I just ran in to. It's not that big a deal, so I won't bore you with a long text xD

This is btw my self made arm protector, or bracer xD
I'll post some (more) interesting stuff soon! (As soon as possible) But I'll be gone for 3 days, to the grandparents of a friend of mine. They are on a camping, so I'll sleep there two nights and then back to my laptop!!! Which is really slow the past few days, and then some kind of protector shows up and says: There are 5112 errors detected.
And then you need to buy a program to fix them. -,- I hate this world. So probably because of the errors my google chrome doesn't work anymore, so now I have to use firefox. And that stupid browser wont let me have google.com as my default search site!!!! (I really do hate this world)
But I'll survive.... eventually ;P

Greetz M.

donderdag 2 augustus 2012

yeah for internet shopping!!!

Hii guys,
I'm going to abunai!!! Though I still need to buy the tickets :S But!!!!! I already bought tree pieces of my cosplay:

A black and Purple cloak, with hood and pretty long. It will arive in 3-6 days and I can't wait to see it!!
A black and purple dress. This thing will arive in 5-7 days.
I hoped to post a picture... But the site on ebay isn't working any more :(

And last but not least, a black mask. I'll paint it today, or tomorrow with this pattern.

The mask:

And the pattern: 

You see, I'm going as Tenebrae. It's some kind of monster thingy from a game called Tales of Symphonia. 

I'll also make a necklace with those lightning figures. I'll wear a pear of brown boots underneath it, but you won't see them because the dress is so long, it reaches my feet. xD
Euhmm..... Is there more to tell about my cosplay??? O, ofcourse! I have a pair of black gloves, without the fingers, you might know them, and I'm going to buy purple fur. Then I'll attach a piece of (fake) fur to the gloves, and voilá. Haha.
I hope I can show you my complete outfit soon!

Greetz M.